Wes Berry is known for always delivering the SIZZLE with motivational speaking. He is highly sought-after as a keynote and motivational speaker in both the business and nonprofit worlds. He has built a remarkable international business with sales over $750 MILLION DOLLARS, that operated in 130 countries around the world. He is also the Wall Street Journal and USA TODAY best-selling author of the book Big Things Have Small Beginnings, which focuses primarily on success and growth.

Recently Wes has done more and more Keynote speaking, usually along the lines of success and motivation. Surprisingly almost all of those in this same space have only experienced success by talking about success. Even some of the really big players that have built their reputation of being a success guru have done so only by talking about being successful. It’s really strange.

With Wes you get someone who has experienced more than his share of both setbacks and successes. That’s just how truly successful people roll. Without risk, the reward is without meaning. Only by daring to roll of the dice is life worth living. Don’t get this wrong you need to take the  easy wins too, and no one should be reckless, but it sure is true that you learn more from set backs than easy wins. And if you what to grow and reach greater heights you must keep learning.

Winning and losing are both part of the same game and if you want to play at the highest levels, you have to be willing to experience both.

 subjects wes is considered an expert on:

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