MEETING TRENDS – In-Person Meetings For 2023

The world of in-person meetings was shaken to its core when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the globe. It shut down the world, as people were afraid of the disease. However, nearly three years later, things are slowly making a return to the status quo.

A return to a sense of normalcy brings the raise of in-person meetings for companies. Virtual meetings in the workspace will continue for companies, but the return of meeting people face-to-face is becoming popular again.

recent study in North America shows only 10% of people want a completely virtual meeting space for work. This leaves 90% of meetings having some type of in-person meeting element. The 90% mark is an uptick from a 2022 study showing 88% of meetings having an in-person element to them.

According to the study, 61.6% of meetings will be fully in-person. For businesses who choose this route, they must prepare for getting back to their previous routine while adding a layer of safety for their workers. While having a safe work environment for meetings can be simple when meetings are held locally, they can pose a task for those held in areas away from the company office.

Areas like Las Vegas are a hot spot for traveling and meetings, but also pose a challenge for those concerned over safety. This requires a study of not only the location where the meetings will be held but also the hosting area and their health protocols. Another thing to examine is if the area is a hotspot for any health concerns for employees.

While the desire for these in-person meetings might give way for more travel and meetings, it also requires a level of added caution for both the employees and employers. A study from 2020 shows how working sick costs the national economy $234 billion in lost productivity each year. With increasing in-person meetings, companies can’t afford to lose money with workers coming in while sick.

To safeguard against this, in-person meetings should be held at the company office. Travel to places outside of the company area should only be reserved for special meetings with clients who otherwise can’t come to the company building. However, an exception to out-of-area meetings to boost employee morale is a good idea.

For these meetings, check the boxes regarding the health and safety standards of the area the meetings are being held. While going out to Las Vegas might seem fun, coming back with a sickness that lowers productivity will become costly.

For the remaining 28.4% of meetings, these will be a group of hybrid meetings. With hybrid meetings, companies take a mix of in-person meetings with a mix of virtual meetings to create hybrid meetings. While these are safer when the virtual element is added in, it might not excite employees as much who crave meeting in-person.

With the trends going into the new year pointing towards more in-person meetings, it’s best to get ahead of the curve with the proper planning now. Don’t wait until it’s too late to plan your meetings for 2023.

Wes Berry is available for speaking engagements and as a workshop facilitator. He is also a consultant with select organizations. As a professional speaker, he has the skills to make your event a success. He is also the Wall Street Journal best-selling author of “Big Things Have Small Beginnings: The Motivation and Mindset That Built a $750 million Business.” In all, he has written twelve books in the business and success genres. And as an entrepreneur, he built an international company that operated in 130 countries. He’s even done a little standup comedy as well as radio.

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